Thursday 19 January 2012


Have you ever stood in the rain and let it wash over you?
Each drop pelting your skin feels so exciting, refreshing, peaceful, clean and so pure
I used to be so worthless, so unsure of myself
Not knowing where to go or what to do
Life was such a drag
Growing up, I was the kid looked down on for having the uncool shoes and clothes
I was the one who got ignored for having buck teeth and pimples
I was the kid with no parents
Oh! They sure were alive and lived in the same house with me
But for all their input in my life, I would as well have been an orphan on a scholarship
Now as an adult, life was no better
I was the wayward adult with no morals and a lack of sound judgement
I was the mean bitch no one wanted to be with
I was the emotionally bankrupt lady
Days of grief
Days of anger
Days of sorrow
Days of confusion
Days of loneliness
That was how my life went
Oh! How I wished for better things and better days
Sometimes I felt like ending my life
Sometimes I just wanted to rail at the world for ruining my life
Some days were better than others sure
But in all, they were all miserable days, just in varying degrees
On one really, really miserable day, I decided to take a walk
I needed to clear my head of all the chaos whirling around
That day, ending my life was such an attractive option
I sat down for a while on a log, weeping and sobbing
Just then I saw this girl walking towards me
She came to me and asked why I was crying
My tale of woe just came tumbling out: The death of my siblings,
The parents who couldn’t love me or each other, the miserable school moments,
The hideous acts, the loneliness, the bitterness, the money, everything just poured from my lips
She sat with me till I had ended my spiel
Then she looked at me, pulled me to her and gave me a long, hard hug
She said, “You are not alone, He will never leave nor forsake you and I love you”
I looked at her like she had grown horns out of her head
‘Cause all she said was just jabberwocky and gibberish to me
But I felt then some peace and calm
She pulled me to my feet and said, “Let’s go”
Strangely enough I followed her
She led me to a building and took me inside
Inside, there were a group of people just singing
It looked just like a church
I had been in a church just thrice in my life: My christening, my siblings’ funeral service and a friend’s wedding
The environment was so strange
I wanted to leave but she held me fast and led me to a seat
I sat down there listening to the words of the preacher
And just then like raindrops pelting and washing down my skin
I could feel the love of God swirling all around me
So exciting, refreshing, pure, clean, peaceful and invigorating
With tears running down my face and no sense of shame
I stumbled to the altar and cried my heart out to God
I could hear the words again, “He would never leave nor forsake you”
I had finally come home
That was the day I gave my life to God
I walked back with joy in my heart to my seat
But when I got there, she was gone; the girl that brought me
That was the first and last I ever saw of her
If she was an angel, I know not, all I know is that she showed up right on time
Since that day I have been revelling in God’s awesome and great love for me
And I have not looked back
Sure I have stumbled and paused sometimes
But His love always keeps me going
My past had been erased
Life is just so great now
I had people who truly loved me around me
I found my purpose
I found love
I found life
That money is torn or defaced never reduced its true value
God loved me despite all my imperfections
My value did not reduce in his eyes
Each day with God is like standing in the rain again and feeling those raindrops
It just can’t get better than this
God, thank you for loving me

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