Thursday 12 April 2012


You woke up this morning with tears in your eyes,
A shy smile on your face but a knife in your back.
When the knife the came out, the pain set in;
And the memories you had chosen to leave forgotten… crept in.
The pain of the past: They spelt doom.
They hurt so much, so you banished them out to the gloom.
So the knife went back in and the pain disappeared.
And all was right in the world...or so it appeared.
For when you went to sleep at night and laid on your back,
The knife pierced itself deeper; it went into your heart.
You felt its sharp edges prick you, each way you turned.
It hurt you on either side,
So your rib cage gave way; your body formed a divide.
It caved in on itself; back arched over chest.
Like a dome in the roof of some old architectural structure at best.
You bent your back to protect your heart from the pain of the knife's hold.
You closed your eyes, it was too fearful to behold.
The sharp, searing stabs laying siege on your back, at the hands of a backstabber's back hand.
And deeper in your chest, your heart decided to hide.
Away from the glaring stares and judgment from behind.
You hid your heart in a cave of its own,
And covered it up with a blanket of woe
The darkness helped you. It shielded your fear.
It kept the past in the past and the present was here.
It was time to move on and forget things of old.
Forget the things that hurt; things no one should be told.
You couldn't deal with the judging stares, the lonesome glares, the piercing eyes.
That felt like they could strip you naked even from a thousand miles.
They couldn't know the truth, couldn't see you that way.
"It would ruin everything; everyone would turn away!"
Or so you thought. So you told yourself day after day.
Choosing to follow your own wisdom and ignoring what everyone else had to say.
It didn't matter if it was the word of God.
His view didn't even come third in line after you'd listened to your thoughts.
So you dug deeper into yourself and carved a hole in your chest.
It grew on you and became part of your very soul; your essence.
The larger it grew, the darker it became.
Until your heart was covered with a cloak of darkness, despair and shame.
Caved in on itself, it couldn't breathe.
While the knife remained stuck in your back, sucking all the air your heart needed to live.
You became drawn, taken, spent.
Your body grew weak and shriveled.
The life drawn out of you; you looked dead.
You walked around with a bent back, chest caved in.
No one could see, only your eyes could tell of your misery.
You kept your pain well hidden from the judgment of the world.
But it ate you up inside and made you an abomination to the earth.
Fear kept you captive and caused you to hide in shame.
You let the darkness consume you; you walked around with the pain.
You told yourself it was better that way, better than anyone finding out.
You let your denial get the best of you and it controlled you within and without.
Your heart caved in and the darkness consumed you.
It surrounded you like a cloak at night. In the day, it was the shadow that pursued you.
The darkness became part of you, it controlled you.
You let it take over and it owned you.
And soon the weapon you had created to protect you, fought against you.
It formed a mind of its own and it tried to use you.
And when the darkness had taken over, a new kind of presence began to hover.
Subtly at first; it took some time for you to notice it.
For you saw the light before you heard it:
Felt its essence creep up on you before you sensed it
You didn't know what it was but you knew it was different.
It made the hurt feel easier, made the pain leave with a new scent.
But you were afraid to let it all in for it exposed you.
It made you feel naked, weak, it tried to control you.
It threatened to tear apart the shield you had built over your heart all these years.
To free the things you had been fighting to keep concealed; things that had made you shed tears.
You couldn't let it. You couldn't give in.
The fear of what might happen overwhelmed you,
And so you fought against it with all your strength and will.
But it wouldn't let you go, it fought back.
It knew it couldn't let you take over, not this time.
This was the time to get back on track.
For light travels faster than the speed of sound
So you saw it before you heard it the second time around.
You saw the light before you heard His voice.
It was the tiniest spark at first but it came with a choice.
To either pry open the cave you had built over your heart,
Let the light come in and tear the cave walls apart.
Or to let the darkness consume you and own you and drag you to the deepest depths of despair that would eventually destroy you.
Unsure; Afraid, you made a decision.
And with careful precision, drew the dagger out of its incision.
The knife in your back came out and you waited for the pain to set in.
But the silence that followed was deafening.
Instead, the light that flowed was illuminating.
It came in through the hole the knife had made in your back.
And wistfully, carefully it seeped right through the cracks.
And piece by piece the fragments of that cave fell.
The walls of your heart began to breathe and you felt well.
The pain was there but it was distant, a flicker.
And every moment the pain came stronger,
The light shone brighter and quicker.
Arched back bent over chest like a dome in the roof of some ancient architectural structure,
Was bent backwards and straightened out like it was meant to be without even so much as a fracture.
The light travelled through your heart, around your chest, healing and strengthening.
It burst forth from every corner of your being,
Like the streaks, sparks and rays of lightning.
Bringing out from your very being,
The inner power and might you had been receiving,
All these years your heart had been locked up but you had never been believing.
For the light shines, within and without, incomprehensible.
And the darkness remains spellbound, dumbfounded; for the light is unfathomable.
The light travels faster than the speed of sound,
So you saw it before you heard it.
You saw it and heard it,
But before you saw it and heard it,
You felt it.
You felt its essence,
You saw its presence
And its presence was as bright as the fluorescence.
Brighter still than anything luminescent.
For IT IS THE LIGHT, and it is magnificent.

Friday 20 January 2012


As I gaze at the heavens,
I ponder on the mystical mysteries of God
His appearance like the glistening of shining armour
In the hot, midday sun
His features so majestic and worthy of laud
His power so mighty, His character so proud
To watch Him is frightening,
Though my eyes have never seen
My thoughts have imagined much more than my spirits extreme
And I, a sinner and unredeemable fiend
Look up to His holiness which has no end
For though as fearful as He may be
A friend for sinners, a friend for all is He
So with my sin and guilt and shame
I bend my weak, white knees before His frame
And lay my burdens at His feet
In His court where He dwells to judge as He pleases
And there forever at His right,
Is my dear Lord Jesus pleading with all His might,
And I, as imperfect as I maybe
Am made whole and perfect through Christ’s love for me
For He continues the work He started on the cross
Not minding the cost and without bearing a grudge

Thursday 19 January 2012


Have you ever stood in the rain and let it wash over you?
Each drop pelting your skin feels so exciting, refreshing, peaceful, clean and so pure
I used to be so worthless, so unsure of myself
Not knowing where to go or what to do
Life was such a drag
Growing up, I was the kid looked down on for having the uncool shoes and clothes
I was the one who got ignored for having buck teeth and pimples
I was the kid with no parents
Oh! They sure were alive and lived in the same house with me
But for all their input in my life, I would as well have been an orphan on a scholarship
Now as an adult, life was no better
I was the wayward adult with no morals and a lack of sound judgement
I was the mean bitch no one wanted to be with
I was the emotionally bankrupt lady
Days of grief
Days of anger
Days of sorrow
Days of confusion
Days of loneliness
That was how my life went
Oh! How I wished for better things and better days
Sometimes I felt like ending my life
Sometimes I just wanted to rail at the world for ruining my life
Some days were better than others sure
But in all, they were all miserable days, just in varying degrees
On one really, really miserable day, I decided to take a walk
I needed to clear my head of all the chaos whirling around
That day, ending my life was such an attractive option
I sat down for a while on a log, weeping and sobbing
Just then I saw this girl walking towards me
She came to me and asked why I was crying
My tale of woe just came tumbling out: The death of my siblings,
The parents who couldn’t love me or each other, the miserable school moments,
The hideous acts, the loneliness, the bitterness, the money, everything just poured from my lips
She sat with me till I had ended my spiel
Then she looked at me, pulled me to her and gave me a long, hard hug
She said, “You are not alone, He will never leave nor forsake you and I love you”
I looked at her like she had grown horns out of her head
‘Cause all she said was just jabberwocky and gibberish to me
But I felt then some peace and calm
She pulled me to my feet and said, “Let’s go”
Strangely enough I followed her
She led me to a building and took me inside
Inside, there were a group of people just singing
It looked just like a church
I had been in a church just thrice in my life: My christening, my siblings’ funeral service and a friend’s wedding
The environment was so strange
I wanted to leave but she held me fast and led me to a seat
I sat down there listening to the words of the preacher
And just then like raindrops pelting and washing down my skin
I could feel the love of God swirling all around me
So exciting, refreshing, pure, clean, peaceful and invigorating
With tears running down my face and no sense of shame
I stumbled to the altar and cried my heart out to God
I could hear the words again, “He would never leave nor forsake you”
I had finally come home
That was the day I gave my life to God
I walked back with joy in my heart to my seat
But when I got there, she was gone; the girl that brought me
That was the first and last I ever saw of her
If she was an angel, I know not, all I know is that she showed up right on time
Since that day I have been revelling in God’s awesome and great love for me
And I have not looked back
Sure I have stumbled and paused sometimes
But His love always keeps me going
My past had been erased
Life is just so great now
I had people who truly loved me around me
I found my purpose
I found love
I found life
That money is torn or defaced never reduced its true value
God loved me despite all my imperfections
My value did not reduce in his eyes
Each day with God is like standing in the rain again and feeling those raindrops
It just can’t get better than this
God, thank you for loving me